School Lunches

Copies of the 3 week menu along with the Allergen aware registration form are below plus information from Norse who are our meal providers. 

More information from Norse can be found at their website

The weekly menu choices link will be emailed out to all parents on a Monday - for electronic completion by the Friday of that week if you require any meals during the week.

Payment for meals in Year 3 and above (KS2) should be made on the Monday of the week in which the meals are taken. Payment can be made weekly, monthly, half termly or termly by cash, cheque or bank transfer. Please email the office for bank details.

The cost of a meal is £2.68 per day. (wef 15 April 2024)

Thank you

Primary School Special Diet (Allergen Aware) - Registration Form - June 2023 Editable PDF.pdf
Norse Menu 4.11.24 to 31.03.25.pdf

4.11.24 to 31.03.25

Free School Meals

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered universal free school meals.  This is regardless of your household income.

You do not have to apply for universal free school meals.  However, you can apply for your school to get extra funding from the government if you receive one of the benefits listed below.  This extra funding is called Pupil Premium:

Children in Year 3 and above

Children in Year 3 and above only receive free school meals if you get one of the benefits listed above.  You must apply for these free school meals.

To apply for Free School Meals:

You can apply by: