Our Curriculum

We have designed our curriculum to be a broad and balanced curriculum, with full coverage of the National Curriculum.  Our curriculum builds upon our school vision statement and the Church of England’s vision for Education.  

Our Curriculum Intent

We offer an engaging, progressive curriculum that provides opportunities for all our children to develop fully and supports each child to reach their potential.  We treat every child fairly, as a unique individual and encourage them to develop a love of learning through a creative and meaningful curriculum, which encourages the children to ask questions and embrace challenge.

Each year, learning progressively builds on the knowledge and understanding of the previous year and promotes creative links across the full breadth of subject areas.  Our curriculum expectations develop through the school, so each child leaves us with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they will need in order to thrive beyond our school.  

We intend our curriculum to support children to be conscientious, creative, curious, considerate and compassionate global citizens. Through providing rich opportunities to learn about themselves, their community and other communities, beliefs and values, the environment and the wider world, we intend to equip our children with the knowledge, skills and understanding to have a positive impact on the people and the world around them.

Through our curriculum, we aim to fully immerse our children in knowledge, vocabulary and experiences relevant to the world in which we live. Our curriculum looks to include, across all its subjects, a breadth of reading, writing, language and maths skills to enrich understanding, and to support our children to develop deeper knowledge and understanding by offering opportunities to link, review and put knowledge into context, across a range of subjects. 

Making our Curriculum Accessible for All

To ensure that all children, regardless of need or ability can access our curriculum, we carefully plan and adapt our learning activities according to children's individual needs.  The information below, outlines how we comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 about making our curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.

We welcome all pupils and their families, supporting all children whatever their needs, individual circumstances, race or religion.  (Equality Act 2010)                                                                                                                                                     

Our school mission statement states that:                                 

Our mission is to serve our community, believe in the love of God and grow as a family and community.

We believe that every child should achieve their full potential in the image of God; we are committed to ensuring we develop the whole child, linked to Church of England’s vision (July 2016) of “life in all its fullness at its heart”.  

At Barnham Broom C of E VA Primary School we aim to help all children to benefit as fully as possible from their education.  Children work mainly within their own class group, receiving a high level of quality first teaching, participating in intervention groups and accessing 1:1 support where appropriate. Arrangements are made for pupils who have medical conditions so that they can access all areas of the curriculum through individual support, adaptations or modifications to all school based activities.  Children will have an EHCP which will specify the type and level of support required to meet the medical needs of such pupils.  (SEND Information Report and SEND Policy)

Curriculum Organisation:

At Barnham Broom C of E VA Primary School, we have four mixed-age classes (R/1, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6) and one single year group class (y2), so we run a two-year rolling programme of study, to ensure that the children do not repeat learning or miss out on any areas of the curriculum as they progress through our school. 

Further Information:

Please click on the curriculum buttons further down the page, to look in more detail at our EYFS, KS1 and KS2 curriculum information.  There is also further information relating to the curriculum issued in each class' half term newsletter that can be found on the class pages.

If you wish to discuss our curriculum in further detail then please make an appointment with your child's class teacher or request an appointment with the headteacher.

Phonics and Reading 

We work hard to support children to develop the essential decoding and comprehension skills alongside a love of and passion for reading so that they can get the most out of our rich, thematic curriculum and develop a love of learning. 

In Early Years and Key Stage 1 we follow the Monster Phonics scheme. Our Reading Scheme for Early Years into Key Stage One follows the Monster Phonics programme.  We have supplementary books available to broaden the range of reading material, appropriate to the reading level of the children.  These books can be read to, and shared with the children.  

Moving into Key Stage Two, our reading books progression is based around the Oxford Reading Tree 'colour bandings', into which we have added many extra books to broaden the reading material the children have access to.  Please click on the links below to learn more about our Phonics, Reading and Writing at Barnham Broom Primary School.