Art and DT
Curriculum Intent
The vision for Art and design at Barnham Broom is to stimulate creativity and imagination. Our curriculum provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences, and a special way of understanding and responding to the world. It enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think, through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern as well as, different materials and processes. Children become involved in shaping their environments through art and design activities. They learn to make informed judgements, and aesthetic and practical decisions. They explore ideas and meanings through the work of artists and designers. Through learning about the roles and functions of art, they can explore the impact it has had on contemporary life and on different periods and cultures. The appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts enriches all our lives.
At Barnham Broom CofE VA Primary School we give the children the opportunity to be creators. Our Art curriculum develops creativity, sets challenges, engages and inspires children and equips them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The curriculum has appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to explore and investigate, create and evaluate artwork, as set out in the National Curriculum, and so will enable the children to reach and exceed their potential. Our children will be taught Art and Design in a way that ensures progression of skills, and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Our children will value their work and always have high expectations in the process of their work, as well as the outcome.
We want Art to allow the children to develop their imagination and creativity; to make connections through their inventive minds; and give them the skills to record their imagination and ideas. We want to ensure that Art and Design is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using art are always taken. We also want to nurture children’s confidence in creating art, so art lessons can be a genuine place for self-exploration and freedom of expression.
Access and Inclusion
At Barnham Broom CofE VA Primary School we recognise the fact that we have pupils of differing ability in all our classes, and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies:
Setting common tasks which are opened ended allowing for a variety of responses
Providing a range of challenges and a variety of resources
Using additional adults to support the work of individual pupils or small groups