Our Governing Body

Ofsted May 2018 reported that:

"Governors have a clear understanding of the priorities for improvement and offer good support and challenge to leaders."

What Does The Governing Body Do?

The role of the Governing Body is not to manage the school on a day-to-day basis - that responsibility belongs with the Headteacher.

The Governing Body takes a more strategic view.  This includes setting up a strategic framework for the school, setting its aims and objectives, setting policies and targets for achieving the objectives, reviewing progress and reviewing the strategic framework in the light of progress.  They work closely with the Headteacher, and act as a “critical friend”, providing advice and support, but also constructive challenge to the school as necessary.

The various types of Governor are described here, and we also have a list of current Governors and their terms of office.

If you wish to contact the Governing Body, this can be done via the School Office - please call (01603 759656) or email (office@barnhambroom.norfolk.sch.uk) and ask for the contact details of the Chair of Governors.  Letters for the Governing Body can be brought in to the School Office and will be passed on to the Chair of Governors.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please come and speak to either Mrs Benson (Headteacher) or speak to one of Governors.  We would welcome the opportunity to discuss being a school Governor with you.

Governing Body Meetings

Full meetings of the Governing Body are held approximately half-termly.

There are times when more detailed discussions are held in sub-committees that generally meet prior to the full meetings.

We currently only form sub-committees when needed.

Types Of Governor

The Governing Body consists of both elected and appointed Governors.  These positions are described below.  A list of the current Governors is also below.

Irrespective of how they became Governors, all members of the Governing Body work in the best interests of the school.

Foundation Governors

Foundation Governors are appointed to ensure that the school’s character (including religious character) is preserved and developed.

The Bishop of Norwich appoints one Foundation Governor.  The Norwich Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) appoints three Foundation Governors and three Foundation Governors are appointed by the Parochial Parish Council (PCC) of Barnham Broom St Peter and St Paul's with Bickerston St Andrew.

In Voluntary Aided (VA) schools, there will always be a majority of Foundation Governors.

Parent Governors

Our constitution requires two Parent Governors and these are nominated and elected when vacancies arise.

Parent Governors are parents or carers of children enrolled at the school at the time of their appointment.  Should their child(ren) leave Barnham Broom CofE VA Primaryc School during their term of office, they may continue on the Governing Body until the end of their four-year term.  Vacancies for Parent Governors must be notified to all parents and nominations requested.  A ballot of all parents is held if there are more nominations than posts available.  The retiring Parent Governor(s) can stand for re-election if they still have a child at the school, but not otherwise.

Staff Governors

Our constitution limits the number of elected Staff Governors to one member.  The Headteacher takes a further Governor position.

Local Authority Governors

There is one Governor position for a Local Authority nomination in order to maintain liaison with the authority and maintained schools in the area.

Governing Board Constitution 2023

Declarations Of Interest

Meetings-BarnhamBroomPrimary 2021 -22

2021-22 Governors 

Full Governing Body

Chair: Mrs P. Folkard

Vice Chair: Mrs T. Tebbutt

Minutes of the Full Governing Body are available on request: please ask at the School Office.