Curriculum Intent
At Barnham Broom Primary School, the intent for our Computing curriculum is to give children the opportunity to learn and develop the necessary computing skills to successfully negotiate life in an increasingly digital world. We recognise that technology is constantly changing and developing, and so our curriculum focuses on building children’s confidence and problem solving skills to allow them to use and understand technology in a range of ways.
Children are given the opportunity to lead programming skills, starting with ‘programming’ people and 'Beebots', then moving onto more formal programming, such as Scratch, in Key Stage 2. They will also use technology to create, research and record learning for other subjects, as well as developing these skills in discrete Computing lessons. The final, vital, strand of the Computing curriculum is e-safety. In conjunction with our PSHE curriculum, we will ensure all children are able to make informed decisions about how they interact with technology, especially the information they share and consume online.
Inclusion and Access
At Barnham Broom CofE VA Primary School we recognise the fact that we have pupils of differing ability in all our classes, and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies:
Setting common tasks which are opened ended allowing for a variety of responses
Providing a range of challenges and a variety of resources
Using additional adults to support the work of individual pupils or small groups