Apple Class 

(Previously Class 1)

Curriculum Details

Apple Class (Previously Class 1) Curriculum

In Apple class, we use both the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and the Key Stage 1 curriculum so that we can meet the needs of both Reception and Year 1 children. 

We follow broad themes to allow us to incorporate the children's interests and combine this with both curriculums and the topics that Cherry Class are covering. For example, a recent school-wide theme was 'The Past'. We followed the KS1 curriculum to study old toys for part of the topic, which also fit into EYFS objectives about history within living memory. We also asked the children which things about the past they wanted to learn about. They were very excited to learn about dinosaurs. So we spent 4 weeks studying old toys, through a combination of hands on experiences, looking at photos, books and a trip to the Bridewell Museum. Then we spent the following 2 weeks learning about dinosaurs, reading some wonderful dinosaur stories and non-fiction texts and participating in small world and role play. We take this approach to all of our topics. 

In practise, this means that all children, both Reception and Year 1, have focused teaching sessions, then access independent learning. Teaching is linked to our theme, our focus objectives and the children’s interests as discussed above. After each session of teaching, the year 1s complete a focused, directed learning activity before they access independent learning. Our reception children follow the EYFS framework and, whilst they do sometimes have directed activities, wherever possible they are taught through in-the-moment planning.  

‘In-the-moment’ planning means that we observe what the children do and assess their learning and interests, then through responding to and questioning the children (our planning), we teach 'in-the-moment' and move the children’s learning on by addressing their next steps immediately. Each week we concentrate in depth on 2 focus children - a sheet goes home for parents to complete and we combine this information with what we already now about the children to help us to tailor learning to their interests. Each child will be a focus child at least once each half term. As well as focusing on these children, we also teach, engage, question, explore and investigate with all children. We also have a next steps sheet for all Reception children, which works through all the Maths and English objectives they need to cover through the year, and all Apple Class team meet half termly to discuss this. This means we know exactly what each child can do, and are able to provide in-the-moment learning opportunities to support them to make as much progress as possible. We pride ourselves on how well we know all the children in our class, and this allows us to support them with confidence in their learning. 

Class 1 Curriculum Map Autumn 1 2024

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