Parents and Carers
This page is dedicated to the parents and carers of Barnham Broom pupils. Here, you will find links to all relevant letters and information such as school dates and times, school uniform, school lunches, the school prospectus and important information and events. Please see the subpages in the side bar to find links to further information.
Our School Day:
8:40 am Gates open, children are welcomed into school: Classes 1 & 2 play outside whilst Classes 3, 4 & 5 head into their classrooms.
8:45 am Bell rings for class 1 and 2 to go in, the children are registered.
8:55 am Session 1
(Morning snack either before or after break)
10:30 am Breaktime
- 10:45 am
10:45 am Session 2
- 12:00pm
12:00pm Lunchtime
- 1:00 pm
1:05 pm Session 3
- 2:45 pm
2:50 pm Collective Worship
- 3:10pm
3:15pm End of the school day
The Before School Club (The Den) opens at 7:45 am to the start of school
The After School Club (The Den) runs from the end of school until 5:30pm, children can be collected at anytime up to 5:30pm.
Please see the documents at the bottom of the page for the Term Dates calendars.
Please click on the Starting School button for helpful information for preparing for school.
We hold a new intake parents meeting for prospective families to visit the school in November. If you wish to visit us or discuss starting our school, please call the School Office on 01603 759656 to arrange a visit.
Open evening for September 2025
November 13th 2025 5-6pm
please contact the school office 01603 759656

Term Dates
Norfolk County Council Calendar 2024-25