Juniors - Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6

The Junior section of the school is made up of Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, which is called Key Stage Two (KS2).  These year groups are arranged in mixed-age classes across the Key Stage:

Class 3 (all of Y3 and some of Y4)

Class 4 (some of Y4 and some of Y5)

Class 5 (some of Y5 and all of Y6)

The children are taught a rolling curriculum which is carefully planned under theme umbrellas and incorporates all of the learning objectives from the National Curriculum for KS2.  

The National Curriculum for Mathematics, English and Science at KS2 has objectives for each year group.  The other subjects have objectives that cover the whole Key Stage and are not necessarily year group specific.

As we have three classes for four year groups, a child who is with us throughout KS2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6) will spend two years in one of the KS2 classes.  The two-year rolling curriculum ensures that the children do not repeat learning in specific themes as they progress through the school, especially when they spend two years in one of the classes.  Children will be taught the objectives and skills in accordance with their year group and activities will be scaffolded according to the needs of the children, regardless of the class they are in.

The KS2 team work closely together to ensure consistency and continuity throughout the Junior part of the school and work closely with the KS1 team to ensure a good transition from KS1.

Please navigate to the individual class pages to find out more.